Lockets are the ultimate way to keep someone close to your heart. Perhaps the most personal of all jewelry, vintage lockets come with decades of being treated with the same love and affection they felt towards the person depicted inside. Some choose to carry a picture of a loved one, others an adored pet, and on rare occasion a place that is near and dear. No matter what memory is inside, a locket is a perfect way to ensure you can always bring back that joy and emotion at anytime.
If you have lost a loved one, there is no better way to honor their memory than a locket. Wearing jewelry in remembrance of our beloved dead is a tradition that originated in the 16th century, but the fashion for mourning jewelry reached its height during the reign of Queen Victoria. Victorian mourning jewelry, particularly those pieces dating to the earlier part of this era, are of special interest to lovers of antique jewelry due to its uniquely personal nature; few other styles of jewelry allow such an intimate glimpse into the past. These pieces often share common motifs symbolizing grief and remembrance, but they may also feature loving personalized inscriptions and locks of the deceased’s hair, hand-worked and woven by the bereaved.
Check out our four part blog, "The Identifly Series", if you would like to learn more.
Part 1: Mourning in the Victorian Period
Part 2: Materials in Mourning Jewelry
Part 3: Early Plastics in Mourning Jewelry
Part 4: Hair Work in Victorian Jewelry