As we approach the 25th Anniversary of our opening day, August 1st 1994, I thought I'd sit down and write a bit more about how I got here.
My love for jewelry began at an early age with my Aunts jewelry collection, I suppose the love for antique jewelry is in my blood.
Once my little shop in Sellwood started affording me the luxury of the ability to pay rent I was able to begin to hone my vision. I always knew I wanted to share my love of adornment and the beauty of antique jewels but I also wanted to bring attention to the fact that we don't need to harm the planet or people to have beautiful jewelry.
Slowly people began to find me sitting there behind the counter of my little shop and I began to spread the love. I was in Sellwood for almost 3 years when a man with a kind smile came thru the front door and said I've been hearing about this shop, how would you like to relocate to NW 23rd? Well I never dreamed I could afford the rents in that wonderfully posh shopping district but with the help of that man, my friends, and my amazing husband I did it. And that's how I ended up at 720 NW 23rd. The shop is in a converted house circa 1910, the main showroom is the old parlor, it sits adjacent to the entry hall where we keep a comfortable sitting area. I still have my antique milliners show cases from London circa 1890 with the parquet bottoms and brass fittings, the back brass rim with its embossed yard stick.
My little shop has come so far from that day 25 years ago when I opened the door for the 1st time. My dedication remains the same, use what we have and be kind to the planet.
Most days I feel like the luckiest woman in the world, I do what I love and I do it with people I have grown to love, I'll introduce you to each of them soon. I still make my collection of repurposed jewels, Ancient Influences, in which I use all the bits and pieces no longer viable in their original function. I still obsess over the state of our oceans and encourage people to buy only old coral. I still preach about how destructive modern metal mining is to the earth. I still dedicate myself to the awareness of how I walk and live on this planet of ours.
So stop on by if you can and see for yourself what I've been up to for the last 25 years. I promise you will be warmly welcomed, and you won't be disappointed, the cases brim with treasures, all made with love, past and present, and all recycled so you too can know your tread is lighter upon this planet.
As a gift to all of you for your support over the years we will be offering an array of discounts thru the end of August. So watch this space.
Re-cycle, Re-use, Re-love. Gem Set Love.